Can A Minor Travel Alone To Usa From France

Despite the increasing number of minors travelling alone to the USA from France, the procedure remains complex and involves numerous restrictions. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer to the question: ‘Can a minor travel alone to America from France?’ It is a multi-faceted, often intricate issue that requires careful analysis and thoughtful consideration.

In general, a French minor cannot travel to the United States without an accompanying parent, legal guardian, or specially parent-approved case. Minors aged between 11 and 17 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or specified person authorised to accompany them during their stay in the US. It is necessary to submit an authorisation form with the minor’s visa application. The consent of both parents is mandatory. In addition, the parents must provide documents which demonstrate the minor’s residence in their home country, as well as their ability to provide financial support for the minor in the US. A minor’s passport must include a valid US visa. It is also important to consider the guardianship issue when a minor travels with another adult, as that third party is then legally responsible for the minors’ well-being and safety.

Contradictory Information

Confusingly, the US Department of Homeland Security website states that children under the age of 18 may require additional documentation if travelling alone. However, a different web page does not make this clear, and instead says that ‘children of any age may require additional documentation, as may adults travelling without their families.’ Therefore, it is advisable to contact the US Embassy for clear information regarding the issue of minors travelling alone.

Other Important Factors

Health Insurance Requirement

Minors travelling to the US are required to provide proof of adequate medical insurance coverage. It should be noted that current US laws dictate that without appropriate coverage, a minor has no legal right to medical care in the US, even if a medical emergency should occur. In addition, should medical treatment be needed, the minor’s family may bear the full cost.

International Supervision Authorization

As a further protective measure, US embassies and consulates regularly review visa applications of minors. They may request an “International Supervision Authorization” from the US State Department. This allows an organisation or individual to supervise the minor during the duration of his or her stay in the US.

In most cases, minors cannot travel alone. In a circumstance where a minor needs to travel without an adult, such as a family emergency, there is a procedure to follow and additional paperwork to submit. Minors travelling alone must have a valid passport, visa, and approved ‘individual’ or ‘group’ travel permission with authenticated confirmation of return-flight tickets. It is suggested to contact the US Embassy beforehand for details.


While minors are legally prevented from travelling alone to the US from France, there are processes in place that can provide the permission they need. It is essential to investigate all legal requirements and documentation procedures beforehand and to ensure that health insurance coverage is adequate and in effect. By taking the necessary steps before embarking on their travels, French minors can be one step closer to safely travelling alone to the US.

Shirley Blanc

Shirley J. Blanc is a French expat and a passionate Francophile. She has been living in France for over a decade, and loves to share her experiences and knowledge about the country with others. Shirley has written extensively on topics such as French culture, language, travel, and cuisine.

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