Can I Travel To France With A Dui

Travelling to France while having a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) on one’s record poses a unique challenge, and the consequences can be far-reaching, whether one travels for leisure or business purposes. The question here is, can someone with a DUI get into France? This may depend on whether the individual’s conviction was a misdemeanor or felony.

Immediate Consequences
The short answer, in most cases, is no – they cannot enter France with a DUI conviction. France has the right to refuse entry to non-European Union (EU) travellers, including those from the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries. This is especially true if a person’s DUI was a felony.

When making border checks, French officials will likely be aware of any DUI convictions that appear in the person’s records. With a felony DUI, the individual is liable to be refused entry to the country. Even if the DUI is a misdemeanor, the traveller may need to present an additional document, such as an international driver’s license, or a document that indicates their licence is valid and their arrest record is clean.


Family Separation
For those travelling with family or as part of an organised tour / group, being refused entry into France can have serious implications such as costly cancellations, delays, or family separation. This could be especially concerning for those travelling with young children or elderly parents.

Reputation Damaged
Whether travelling for business or personal reasons, the nationality of the individual is likely to be subject to scrutiny. As a result, people with DUIs may have to spend more time proving their identity, and they may even be subject to additional questioning by French officials. Moreover, if the individual is refused entry into the country, this could portray them in a negative light, potentially damaging their reputation in the long-term.

Precautionary Measures

Legal Advice
The most important tip for people with a DUI on their record is to check in advance whether entry to France is possible. They should seek legal advice from an experienced lawyer, who can explain the legal implications of travelling with a DUI conviction.

Alternative Options
Those with a DUI conviction may also want to consider alternative travel destinations, such as countries that do not require visitors to show proof of a clean record. Alternatively, they can wait until their DUI conviction is cleared, as there are a few countries that allow travellers with DUIs to enter a few years after the conviction.

Although travelling to France with a DUI conviction can be a challenge, it is not an impossible task. If travellers plan in advance and take the necessary precautionary measures, they may still be able to enter the country. Ultimately, however, whether one needs a special document or can wait until their DUI is cleared off their record depends on the severity of their conviction.

Shirley Blanc

Shirley J. Blanc is a French expat and a passionate Francophile. She has been living in France for over a decade, and loves to share her experiences and knowledge about the country with others. Shirley has written extensively on topics such as French culture, language, travel, and cuisine.

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